I would like to explain first what I mean by revolutionary.
It means out of the ordinary; certainly different. In a very good way, one that changes things in leaps, not in small steps, one that makes the lives of people everywhere better. A revolutionary world is one where the notion of war is less emphasized and the chance of peace and prosperity is much higher. It is a world where we don't just stay put and wait for things to happen, it is a place where we get involved.
A revolutionary world
No more bullshit; Africa is starving, education in the developed world is lurking, and global warming is in our back yard. World leaders are involving just too much politics and interests while we, as the human race are doing very little to change it. Here are the steps. The web log wants to come with solutions to basic problems and welcomes useful and constructive comments. Education, poverty, politics, integration, globalisation and many others are vocabulary for this blog. Contribute !
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